Post Referendum Reflections: Emergence of the New;  Career & Life Fulfilment Support Update

I wanted to start this post by really connecting with the range, depth and intensity of emotion felt throughout the UK and within myself, as we enter into a new, perhaps unexpected era following the recent referendum result just over a week ago. Perhaps you too have been experiencing strong feelings? As political set-ups fold and fault lines in society are more fully revealed, different factions are now competing to capitalise on the opportunity to bring their ideological vision into the resulting vacuum.

I'm acutely aware of shifts wanting to taking place, of fear, the possibility of something new, and the possibility of the recycling of the old.

As I was reflecting with a friend on what I was witnessing, on the different responses and reactions, and on what was going on for me internally, ideas that were brewing began to crystallise forming into words. I thought I might share these words with you here.

I also believe that the dynamics that exist within wider society are also dynamics we might experience individually within ourselves in relation to a more personal situation.  So it may be that these words resonate with you for a context different to the post-referendum one. If so, feel free to use as fits!

Post-Referendum - Tending to the Inner & Giving Space to the Emergence of the New

While so many of us want a new, transformed politics, it seems clear that we'll never achieve a new politics so long as we use the measuring sticks and time-frames of the old one.

We cannot rid ourselves of competition, hunger for power, reactivity, cynicism, meaningless short-term targets and so forth, through being or chasing these very things. We need a new understanding, a new way of affirming that we're moving in the right direction.

Yet, as we move along the new path, we will travel beyond our comfort zone, beyond the old and familiar and into parts of ourselves that are less comfortable, indeed painful or disturbing. We may experience moments of despair, sadness, loss, anger, self-doubt and hopelessness. We may, as we travel along this new path, face ridicule from those close to us, and be told that we are travelling backwards, that we are undoing years of progress and hard work.


Yet, we need to remind ourselves that this direction of travel cannot be determined by the measuring sticks and lens of the old way. It can only be validated by that of the new one, the one we are yet to fully discover, even though we may experience glimpses of it from time to time. Our reaction during these times of disturbance and self doubt might be to retreat back to the old, familiar ways, to a place of pseudo-comfort  - yet this is where we perhaps need to slow down, breathe, feel the discomfort fully, and for at least a moment be still.

Career & Life Fulfillment Support News

I'm starting to give attention to developing a  6-session skype coaching package for 1:1 longer term support for anyone feeling disillusioned in their career or life-path looking for clarity, fulfillment and a personal action plan. I won't promise a specific time when this will be available as it needs to ripen in the time it needs. But I promise I'll update you here when it's about to be launched and I'm ready to take bookings.

If you can't wait, and would like to focus on identifying and dissolving core emotional blocks holding you back in relation to your career or life-path, I'd love to chat with you about how I might support you with 1:1 Journey work (i.e. a specialised 3 session Journey Package over a 1-2 month period) - available now!Just get in touch if this might be what you're looking for, or if you'd like to arrange a free clarity call with me to discuss if it might be suitable - I'd be very happy to chat with you about your needs, and how I might be able to support you to move forward.

In Peace

Muzammal ---- Medically trained Accredited Journey Therapist